Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Only Two Secrets to Motivating Yourself You Will Ever Need

The more I learn about motivation the more I realize that it isn’t that complicated to figure out.
There are numerous tips that can help, many that I’ve used very successfully over the years. But technically, I have found that it really boils down to just two things.

And those two things are so deceptively simple that you might decide to stop reading after I name them:

1) make things enjoyable
2) use positive public pressure (accountability).

What I Learned From My Experiences

Over the last few years, I’ve been experimenting with achieving various goals — from limiting TV viewing to 3hrs per week, to eliminating all debt and living frugally and simply and much more.  What I’ve learned has repeatedly taught me that these two key motivation principles are all you need.

I’ve learned some other things as well, but the more I stick to my goals, the more I realize that it’s these two themes that keep resurfacing. So now I have 2 new challenges in my life and it’s the perfect opportunity to tell you how I apply these principals. First: I want to lose 136lbs while continuing to change my dietary lifestyle to a healthier one. And second, I want to be dedicated to physical fitness, i.e. one who regularly works out in-spite of moderate to advanced R.A. And since I refuse to compromise my joints any further, I am slowly developing a personalized fitness protocol that fully encompasses all physical challenges and limitations so that I can continue to be active for the remainder of my life no matter what. Truth is, I absolutely love being active and moving around so the challenges for me are to determine what physical activities I am able to do, how frequently I can do them and how long per session (before rest is needed). It’s a balancing act and I won’t have a complete picture until I reach my goal weight. I expect my joints will become more and more comfortable as the weight starts to come off which will allow me to do more activities. But like everything else I do in life –> slow and steady wins the race.  

My lofty weight loss goal will have to be reached exclusively with diet. Exercise will play only  a minor role in the process (a role that will grow with time). So the first principal is ‘make it enjoyable’.  For fitness I do that by incorporating things I love to do with exercise. For instance, I walk 4-6 hours a week at the mall or the outlets or some other huge exciting department stores (usually a combination). Sometimes I have to drag myself away from it… And then there’s swimming – I absolutely adore swimming and can literally spend all day long in the pool. As the weather warms on the east coast I’m sure I’ll discover some other things I like to do and so I’ll update this again during the summer.

The second principal is accountability. Sure I told my family, friends, and colleagues but it wasn’t enough. So I started a blog and then a weight loss community to go with it. I love writing so blogging is right up my alley and Healthy Evolution is growing slowly but surely keeping me engaged and focused – I cannot tell you how much I love these activities. The entire process is a very enjoyable hobby that I look forward to every single day.   

So that’s it – that’s how I stay motivated.  I’ll keep you posted on my progress every step of the way.

Journey Day: 108
Today's Calories:  1740
Daily Calorie Goal:  1700
Next Weigh In:   5/7/14
Days till Weigh-In: 7
Starting Weight: 351
Current Weight: 336
Lost So Far: 15

      Wednesday 4/30/14   
English Muffin (light) 100
PB2 & Strawberry Jam 120
Sliced Fresh Strawberries 100
Hazelnut Crème Decaf 0
Organic Mixed Greens 0
                                                  Total: 320
Hazelnut Coffee 0
1oz Mixed Nuts 160
                                                  Total: 160
Shrimp Salad 400
Warm Pita 200
Sparkling water with lemon 0
                                                  Total: 600
Red Delicious 60
                                                  Total: 60
Grilled chicken w/quinoa 600
Fresh Spinich - steamed 0
                                                  Total: 600
Hazelnut Crème Decaf 0
                                        Daily Total: 1740
                           Daily Calorie Goal: 1700
25 min exercise (minimum) Yes


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How Weather Affects Our Moods

Study Sheds Light on Whether the Sun,  Wind, Rain Sway Our Emotions

Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save?We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered I don’t think weather negatively impacts my mood unless of course I have something planned
like an outdoor event that’s been cancelled due to weather. But how about you, do rainy or overcast days get you down?

Researchers in Germany sought to find out whether day-to-day weather affects people's moods. Researchers branched out beyond just sunny and cloudy and looked at temperature, wind, sunlight, rain and snow, air pressure, and how long the days were. The study was led by Jaap Denissen of Humboldt University in Berlin. It had 1,233 participants, all living in Germany at the time. Most of the participants were women, the average age was 28, with ages spanning from 13 to 68 years old. Continue reading below...

Study participants were first given a personality test that measured extraversion, neuroticism, how open one is to experiences, and how agreeable and conscientious they are.

Then participants were given a daily online diary and asked to respond to a questionnaire that measured tiredness and positive and negative mood. Examples of positive mood included feeling "active," "alert," "attentive," "excited." Examples of negative mood included feeling "irritable," "scared," "upset," "guilty." Tiredness was measured by terms such as "sluggish," "sleepy," and "drowsy." Most of the participants began the study in the fall.Researchers looked at how much the participants socialized and slept, getting feedback on those conditions, which can affect mood. They also collected daily weather data and matched it to the participants' ZIP codes.

Contradicting conventional wisdom, researchers found that daily temperature, wind, sunlight, precipitation, air pressure, and how long the days were had no significant effect on positive mood.

  • Temperature, wind, and sunlight were found to have an effect on negative mood. Sunlight seemed to play a role on how tired people said they were.

  • Wind had more of a negative effect on mood in spring and summer than in fall and winter.

  • Sunlight had a mitigating effect on whether people reported they were tired on days when it rained.

  • When days become shorter, some people's moods mirrored that, while others actually felt more positive feelings.

Researchers speculate that those who begin to get darker moods as the days get shorter may be people at higher risk for seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

The research did reveal some limitations. The participants were not asked how long they spent outdoors. But they do add that the results "can be used as a starting point for future research."

The study appears in the October 2008 issue of the journal Emotion.

Journey Day: 107
Today's Calories:  1570
Daily Calorie Goal:  1700
Next Weigh In:   5/7/14
Days till Weigh-In: 8
Starting Weight: 351
Current Weight: 336
Lost So Far: 15

      Tuesday 4/29/14   
English Muffin (light) 100
PB2 & Strawberry Jam 120
Sliced Fresh Strawberries 100
Hazelnut Crème Decaf 0
1/2 c warm seasoned lentils (yum) 110
Organic Mixed Greens 0
                                                  Total: 430
Hazelnut Coffee 0
                                                  Total: 0
Wasabi Beef Multigrain Flat Bread 600
Dasanai 0
Organic Mixed Greens 0
                                                  Total: 600
Red Delicious 60
                                                  Total: 60
Mushroom, spinich, mozzerella omlet wrap 480
2 Kosher Dill Pickle slices 0
Fresh Spinich - steamed 0
                                                  Total: 480
Hazelnut Crème Decaf 0
                                        Daily Total: 1570
                           Daily Calorie Goal: 1700
25 min exercise (minimum) Yes

Monday, April 28, 2014

Nuts May Help

Download LogoMost folks watching their weight don’t eat raw nuts as a part of their regular diet because they believe the fat content contributes to weight gain. But once again a new study puts this myth to rest, showing that eating nuts doesn’t lead to weight gain and may actually help us lose weight. 

Nuts May Help

In the new review of 31 trials, people whose diets included extra nuts or nuts substituted for other foods lost about 1.4 extra pounds and half an inch from their waists.  The weight loss, though small, suggests that adding healthful amounts of nuts to your diet helps you to maintain your ideal weight over time.


As a matter of fact, if you're watching your weight, a small handful of nuts like almonds is a better snack choice than a snack high in complex carbohydrates, such as a bran muffin. Past research also bears this out, showing that eating nuts is beneficial for your weight.

In one study comparing those who ate a low-calorie diet that included either almonds or complex carbs, the almond group had a:


·         62 percent greater reduction in their weight/BMI

·         50 percent greater reduction in waist circumference

·         56 percent greater reduction in body fat

Nuts Help Your Heart

As a natural, whole food, nuts are an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can boost your health in numerous ways above and beyond weight control.

For instance, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that those who ate nuts gained numerous benefits compared to non-nut eaters, including:


·         Decreased body mass index and waist circumference

·         Lower systolic blood pressure

·         Lower weight

·         Less likelihood of having two risk factors for metabolic syndrome: high blood pressure and low HDL (good) cholesterol (for nut consumers)

·         Less likelihood of having four risk factors for metabolic syndrome: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high fasting glucose and a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome (for tree nut consumers)

Are Some Nuts Better Than Others?

With the exception of peanuts (which are technically a legume, heavily pesticide-laden and often contaminated with the carcinogenic mold aflatoxin), most nut varieties have something to offer your health. Generally speaking, each type of nut will offer a slightly different mix of nutrients for your health. For instance:

·         Raw macadamia nuts are a powerhouse of a nut, containing a wide variety of critical nutrients including high amounts of vitamin B1, magnesium, manganese and healthful monounsaturated fat, just to name a few. I eat about two pounds of macadamia nuts a week not only because I enjoy them, but also because they are relatively low in carbs and protein and high in olieic acid, omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acid, which is the same fatty acid found in olive oil.

·         Walnuts: Walnuts are good sources of plant-based omega-3 fats, natural phytosterols and antioxidants that are so powerful at free-radical scavenging that researchers called them "remarkable." Plus, walnuts may help reduce not only the risk of prostate cancer, but breast cancer as well. They’ve also been shown to reverse brain aging in rats and boost heart health in people with diabetes.

·         Almonds: One of the healthiest aspects of almonds appears to be their skins, as they are rich in antioxidants including phenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are typically associated with vegetables and fruits. A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry even revealed that a one-ounce serving of almonds has a similar amount of total polyphenols as a cup of steamed broccoli or green tea.

·         Pecans: Pecans contain more than 19 vitamins and minerals, and research has shown they may help lower LDL cholesterol and promote healthy arteries. One of my favorite treats is candied pecans in a salad at a restaurant. I know they have sugar but a few grams or less a day is harmless.

·         Brazil Nuts: Brazil nuts are an excellent source of organic selenium, a powerful antioxidant-boosting mineral that may help prevent cancer.


So go ahead – grab a handful of nuts and get healthy!

Journey Day:106
Today's Calories: 1650
Daily Calorie Goal: 1700
Next Weigh In:  5/7/14
Days till Weigh-In:9
Starting Weight:351
Current Weight:336
Lost So Far:15

       'Meatless' Monday 4/28/14   
English Muffin (light)100
PB2 & Strawberry Jam120
Sliced Fresh pineapple chunks100
Hazelnut Crème Decaf0
Organic Mixed Greens0
Sm. Banana80
Hazelnut Coffee0
PB2 & Strawberry Jam on MG bread370
Mixed nuts160
Protein drink80
Organic Mixed Greens0
Red Delicious60
Mushroom, spinich, mozzerella omlet wrap420
1/2 boiled red pototoe w/tab of butter100
Fresh Spinich - steamed0
Hazelnut Crème Decaf0
Sliced Fresh Strawberries60
                                        Daily Total:1650
                           Daily Calorie Goal:1700
25 min exercise (minimum)Yes