Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cleanse and Relax

I watched the second installation of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead this weekend and it was a real inspiration. I tried juicing for breakfast and lunch today - made it until about 2pm then had to have some food - but I love the idea so much that I'm considering 1/2 day juice fasts on weekends. I'll play it by ear starting next weekend and see how it goes. I think it's a super healthy way to cleanse and rest my body at the same time and I'd love to get to a point where I can do it for a full day. But for now I'll start out slow and see how it feels. I just love the idea of cleansing and relaxing my body. Doesn't that sound wonderful!

Today I made a healthy and delicious meal in the slow cooker. Stuffed cabbage casserole. This came out so good it was light and tasted so great. Glad there are leftovers. Meanwhile...

Here's Tracker:

Journey Day: 389
Today's Calories:  1605
Daily Calorie Goal:  1750
Next Weigh In:   2/11/2015
Days till Weigh-In: 3
Starting Weight: 351
Current Weight: 279
Lost So Far: 72


                        Calorie Tracker  Calories
SUNDAY  2/8/15
Nutra Blast Smoothie  100
                             Breakfast Calories 100
Bel Vida Cookies 230
                           Snack Calories 230
Homemade Sloppy Joe (1 slice cheese) 450
                         Lunch Calories 450
Nutra Blast Smoothie  200
Snack Calories 200
Homemade Stuffed Cabbage Casserole 300
2 slices jewish rye toast w/butter 225
                                                           Dinner Calories 525
Nutra Blast Smoothie Pop 100
                           Snack Calories 100
**Miscellaneous Calories:
Strength Training (gym / home) No
Walking - 15 min Yes
10 Min Stretching (& deep breathing) Yes
Steps Walked (2000 = 1 Mile) 5023
           Total Daily Calories: 1605
***Daily Caloric Goal:    1750
**Miscellaneous Calories: not reported on yesterday's tracker


Daily Avg. Calories
1/14/2015 1747
1/15/2015 1840
1/16/2015 1620
1/17/2015 1770
1/18/2015 2050
1/19/2015 1675
1/20/2015 1465
1/21/2015 1715
1/22/2015 1955
1/23/2015 1725
1/24/2015 2209
1/25/2015 1313
1/26/2015 1643
1/27/2015 1940
1/28/2015 1518
1/29/2015 1868
1/30/2015 1698
1/31/2015 1963
2/1/2015 1693
2/2/2015 1973
2/3/2015 1543
2/4/2015 1803
2/5/2015 1603
2/6/2015 1768
2/7/2015 2493
2/8/2015 1605