Kick your winter fat suit to the curb permanently by adding this food to your diet: yogurt.
Several studies suggest that extra calcium in the diet (and yogurt's got lots) may inhibit fat absorption in the small intestine. And that means having less of it to store around your hips, thighs, and belly.
Out with the Fat!
In the studies, people who averaged an extra 1,241 milligrams of calcium per day excreted significantly more fat in their daily bowel movements, compared with folks who got less than 700 milligrams per day. And although the studies didn't measure weight loss, the researchers suspect that extra fat excretion may translate into two big benefits: less weight gain and less chance of regaining weight that's been lost.
Does the Source Matter?
Not a fan of dairy? In the studies, it didn't seem to matter whether the calcium came from foods or supplements. But calcium from dairy foods seemed to exhibit more consistent results. To keep it RealAge-friendly, stick to nonfat and low-fat versions of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products. (Discover delicious foods that are high in calcium.)
Start your day off right. The Spark -- a new weight loss book from the founder of -- recommends these smoothie ingredients for a calcium-rich morning meal: 1 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of mango chunks, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds, and 4 ice cubes.