Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy Hump Day!!

 Okay, it’s Wednesday! And it’s a short week – yay! Long Weekend! You all know I’m moving this weekend so my posts for the next few days will most likely be short and late. But they’ll get done. I have a couple blogs and communities of my own and I also guest write on several  other blogs in my spare time... but it will all get done, I promise!
It’s hard to believe Friday is July 4th – it just doesn’t feel like it. The month is off to a good start though – I’m working on getting my calories into the 1600 range with more consistency. Walking club at work officially kicks off this week so I’ll be doing a lot more of that over the next few weeks. This year’s club will end with an Aqua Walk in Oyster Bay in October and the entire club program is supporting Vitamin Angels. Yay! We have our first club meeting tomorrow morning where we get team assignments and learn what island or country we will be virtually traversing. Tonight I’ll go for a nice long walk to jump start the new program! I live across the street from a state park that is entirely fenced in – but my town (in its wisdom) has installed gates that open all along my street (the park runs the entire road for ½ mile). So we can walk right into the park at multiple points without paying the fee. There’s a big lake with a walking path around it. There are many dirt walking paths that are cut all through the woods that surround the park. The air is fresh and clean. Its summertime – glorious summertime!!! It’s just so wonderful to be outside! And… Schools out! What does that mean to New Yorkers?….  NO TRAFFIC!!!! POOLS ARE OPEN!!!!
IT'S OFFICIAL!!  SUMMER HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Here's Tracker:
Journey Day: 172
Today's Calories:  1710
Daily Calorie Goal:  1700
Next Weigh In:   6/30/2014
Days till Weigh-In: 28
Starting Weight: 351
Current Weight: 321
Lost So Far: 44

                     Calorie Tracker 
WEDNESDAY  7/2/14  
1c Crunchy Raisin Bran 190
3/4c Skim Plus 85
Organic mixed greens  50
                             Breakfast Calories 325
Fresh Sliced Carrots 30
                           Snack Calories 30
Chicken Parmasean Melt on MG Flatbread 765
small green salad no dressing 0
Dasani 0
                         Lunch Calories 765
McIntosh  60
Grilled organic chicken cutlet 200
Organic Mixed Greens 50
Corn Niblets 30
                                    Dinner Calories 280
Grapes & Baby Swiss  250
                           Snack Calories 250
Minimum 35 Minutes of Exercise YES
           Total Daily Calories: 1710
***Daily Caloric Goal:    1700