Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4/1... April Showers…

                                                                                          Total Daily Calories:  1735

     Day 79                                                                       Days till Weigh-In:   8

Did someone say April, because it feels more like February out there?  This morning was a chilly 32° complete with frosty car windows. And yesterday I commuted to work in a snow storm! Yes, heavy snow, sleet, wind and basically a gigantic mess. Roadways littered with little cars slippin & sliding all over the place or just stuck on the side of the road causing bottle necks… So while it doesn’t feel anything at all like April 1st, -- it absolutely feels like April-Fools Day...  


Okay, gripe over – now onto the business at hand. So as most of you already know, today is my ‘animal-protein free’ day. And in case anyone was wondering, the answer is ‘no’, I’m not considering being a vegan, most definitely not. I love meat, shellfish, eggs and dairy too much to ever completely give them up. However, I’m also mindful of the many health benefits associated with eating a more vegetarian diet and so that’s my ultimate goal – to slowly but surely reduce the amount of animal protein I consume. Of course I haven’t decided on a specific goal yet, that’ll take time – but I figure lets kick it off with this very difficult goal so that everything else will seem tame by comparison.

Meanwhile, I’m already a little surprised by how challenging this goal is for me. Almost everything I eat contains some animal protein. For instance, finding bread that contains no eggs or milk isn’t that easy. Thank God for Whole Foods. I ran into Jericho yesterday and was saved by ‘Nature’s Own’ one of the brands they carry with no milk or eggs. I selected a bag of the Multi Grain Honey Bread and MG Bagels and I’m happy to say they both taste pretty good. I’ll keep you posted. J

Note: I wanted to post this earlier – sorry for the delay – I ran out to do some errands. But I’m back now and ready to give you a little update. All in all I’d say the day went very well. At first I wasn’t sure I’d last the full day (and technically I didn’t). But I hung on long enough to make myself happy and so I consider it a successful day.  Boy do I have a new found respect for vegetarians. It’s not easy coming up with 3 meals plus snacks for 1900 calories without eating animal protein, at least not for me, not now anyway. By dinner I was almost ready to jump head first into a cheeseburger and saturated fat drenched French fries - but happy to say I resisted and settled for a hardboiled egg (the lesser of three evils)... And believe me I don't feel the least bit bad, not at all. I survived a difficult challenge with only a minor end-of-day slip. I can live with that. J

 Daily Tracker  
[42] Tuesday  4/1/14  
TimeQtyFood ItemCaloriesSub
 1Mediterranean Bagel - roasted red pepper, onion, fresh spinich, red onion, 4tbsp pepper humus370 
 1Bowl Organic Mixed Greens0 
 1Hazelnut Crème Decaf50
  Breakfast Calories:420 
 1Hazelnut Coffee50
 2Slices MG Honey Bread140 
  PB2 & Strawberry Preserves130 
 1Fresh Pineapple, coconut, raspberry, banana smoothie w/shot of wheat grass370 
 1Bowl Organic Mixed Greens0 
  Lunch Calories:6401110
 1McIntosh Apple60 
 10Baby Carrots30 
  Snack Calories901200
 1Large Greek Salad 460 
 1Slice MG Honey Bread70 
 1Bowl Organic Mixed Greens0 
  Dinner Calories5301730
 1Hazelnut Crème Decaf50 
 1Hardboiled Egg75 
  Snack Calories1251855
  Total Calories Burned<120> 
                 ***Daily Caloric Goal:1900 
Water (1 cup per circle)  
O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O  O   O  O  O   15 
1 cup = 8 fluid oz = 0.24 liters 
Time   Activity Burned 
                                         Total Calories Burned:
*Calorie/Activity calculation:  20 or 30 Calories for every 5 minutes (depending on exertion)