February 15, 2014, 17:20
I call my food journal "Target List". I've been doing this now for about 5 weeks and it really helps cut calories. I am not naïve but am astonished at how many calories some foods have - really truly shocked. You will see as the days and weeks go by what I'm talking about (in case I'm not the only one that didn't realize for instance that pasta has 210 calories per 2 oz serving). Huh? 2oz - seriously. Do you know how small a portion 2oz of pasta is? Its really, really small. Or Oatmeal - I like steel cut oatmeal, 150 calories for 1/2 c dry. I like a decent bowl full so that's about 1.5 c.. 450 cal and that's before I put in 2 tbsp. of peanut butter and well its way more calories than I want for breakfast.Well, I'm thinking this will be a funny journal since there's so much funny about this. But basically it'll be my daily calorie count - that I use to keep myself in check. I'm going to share the journal with a handful of close friends - and invite anyone with a comment (even if only once in a blue moon) to feel free to chime in, make a comment, provide some encouragement, a recipe or two or suggestion to help. I always appreciate input.
This being my initial post - I'm going to skip the food journal section today, i'll just say that I close the day at approximately 2400 calories. Not where I'd like to be but considering its Saturday, I can live with that. I find that daily journaling is helping my food strategy to evolve. Its been changing pretty much as I go, you'll see. I hope to add some exercise next month (when it warms up and thaws out a bit). I hope my friends will check in with me periodically as time permits and see my progress and share a kind word if you are so inclined. If you know anyone else who might enjoy or be inspired by my journal please share it with them. The more the merrier. Thank you for your friendship and for following my journey. :)