Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2/25... What’s 'IF' . Total Daily Calories: 2188

It’s an acronym for “Inflammation Factor” – a new food grading scale (see below) that assigns a number to each food based upon its chemical structure and how it promotes or prevents an inflammatory response in our bodies. Anyone who has arthritis (like myself) can really appreciate this new concept in food selection. Now that I’m aware of this I’m going to try and incorporate many foods from the positive list.

Here’s how the scale works:

200 or higher
 Strongly anti-inflammatory
101 to 200
 Moderately anti-inflammatory
0 to 100 
 Mildly anti-inflammatory
-1 to -100
 Mildly inflammatory
-101 to 200
 Moderately inflammatory
-201 or lower
 Strongly inflammatory

 If you’d like to look up foods on the IF Scale – here’s the link that will show you thousands of foods:  http://inflammationfactor.com/look-up-if-ratings/

Now for my daily update. I was pretty hungry today. I had a filling breakfast and lunch and was still on track – but… I made the rookie mistake of buying 10 Multi Grain flat bread (220 calories each) while lunching at Cosi Café. And so I come home and start to prepare dinner – but first I need to freeze some of the flatbreads – but they looked so appetizing and I was hungry and well I started eating one flat bread while cooking dinner. Then I had another with dinner. So my calorie tracker is much higher than it should be for today – lesson learned. I will use the flat breads for lunches twice a week which was the intention. I’ll make the same sandwich I get at Cosi. That’s it!

Daily Calorie Tracker:
Calorie TrackerCalories DATETDCDaily Blog Postings February
WEDNESDAY 2/26/14     
Breakfast  7:30am      
1.5c Raisin Bran285    
3/2c Skim Plus Milk83    
                                  Breakfast Calories368    
Kind Bar200 
Lg. Coffee w/ND creamer50 25-Feb2188http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/whats-if-total-daily-calories-2123.html
                                     Snack Calories250 24-Feb1448http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/walk-and-fast.html
Lunch   22-Feb1650http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/personal-insight-total-daily-calories.html
Cosi Club MG Flat Bread Turkey, L&T, red onions455 21-Feb1848http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/lost-and-found.html
Cosi Kettle Chips (2oz)300 20-Feb3317http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/gone-fishin_21.html
Water0 19-Feb1880http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/stressful-but-productive.html
                                  Lunch Calories755 18-Feb1767http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/selfie-case-study.html
Snack  16-Feb2077http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/monday-monday-21714.html
Sm.Coffee w/ND creamer30 15-Feb2400http://loriliny.blogspot.com/2014/02/my-first-blog-post.html
Naval Orange65    
                                     Snack Calories95    
Lori McMuffin (MG flat bread, 1 egg, bacon)400    
1 extra Flat Bread220    
Bowl Salad no dressing0    
                                    Dinner Calories620    
Med. Coffee w/ND creamer40    
RD Apple60    
                                     Snack Calories100    
Exercise: (no time)     
Total Daily Calories2188