Monday, March 2, 2015

Thinking Vegan

I have been thinking about going vegan for a very long time. It seems like a logical progression in my healthy evolution. I’ve decided to take some baby steps in that direction such as starting to allocate some of my weekly food budget exclusively to vegan type foods. Additionally, I am going to read The China Study which is an Ivy League, in-depth look at the health and environmental impact of the human consumption of animal products, especially at the levels American’s (and myself personally) have been consuming over the past several decades. It’s a 20 year look so it’s quite comprehensive and widely acclaimed.  I’ll check at the library to see if they have it, otherwise I’ll invest, I think it will be worth it. Next weigh-in is next week. I will be adding a vegan type goal to next month’s goal updates. It’s that important to me. Not sure yet what that will be, but I’ll be giving it some thought and let you know. Meanwhile….

Here’s Tracker:

Journey Day: 410
Today's Calories:  1718
Daily Calorie Goal:  1700
Next Weigh In:   3/11/2015
Days till Weigh-In: 11
Starting Weight: 351
Current Weight: 273
Lost So Far: 78

                        Calorie Tracker  Calories
MONDAY  3/2/15
1.5c Raisin Bran 275
1/2c Org. Fat Free milk 68
Org. mixed greens 0
Coffee w/milk 50
                             Breakfast Calories 393
Nutra Blast Smoothie 125
                           Snack Calories 125
PB&J on Rye Toast 300
Org. mixed greens 0
                         Lunch Calories 300
Apple w/PB 125
Coffee w/milk 50
Snack Calories 175
Chicken Marsala 300
Pasta (2oz) w/Org. marinara  300
Org. Brocolli 0
                                                           Dinner Calories 600
Nutra Blast smoothie 125
**Miscellaneous Calories:
Strength Training (gym / home) Yes
Walking - 15 min Yes
10 Min Stretching (& deep breathing) Yes
Steps Walked (2000 = 1 Mile) 2601
           Total Daily Calories: 1718
***Daily Caloric Goal:    1700 NEW
**Miscellaneous Calories: not reported on yesterday's tracker

Daily Avg:           Calories    Steps
2/11/2015 1983 3168
2/12/2015 1753 4467
2/13/2015 1873 3525
2/14/2015 1700 3423
2/15/2015 1750 2250
2/16/2015 1943 4090
2/17/2015 1918 3290
2/18/2015 1793 1361
2/19/2015 1705 5099
2/20/2015 1893 2557
2/21/2015 1998 2741
2/22/2015 1853 1890
2/23/2015 1758 4314
2/24/2015 1850 3166
2/25/2015 1750 3185
2/26/2015 1800 5137
2/27/2015 1963 4461
2/28/2015 2100 6225
3/1/2015 1815 4254
3/2/2015 1718 2601
1845.8 3560.2