Monday, June 9, 2014

Rain, Rain go away

– I need to Walk Today

The thing about bad weather is it gives me the opportunity to do strength training which I always do indoors. Tonight I’ll concentrate on legs and back. I have a great routine that really isolates muscle groups allowing me to work specific areas at a time. This is great because my joints don’t always cooperate and sometimes I want to work on one area but I can’t. So I do a quick switch and start working on something else. Of course there are many days when I can work multiple muscle groups but that’s not necessarily the best routine for me even if my joints are cooperating. I really do like more focused training. 

I have two motto’s that I live my life by (and have always lived by)

1.      Always move forward

2.      Slow and Steady Wins the Race


       And so even if I happen to be moving slowly, I’m always moving forward, so eventually I will
       reach my destination – guaranteed. Then I’ll set a new goal. I’m usually juggling 10-20
       goals at any given time. My whole life is a series of goals and lists. I love reaching goals – I love
       success. Any area of my life that isn’t where I want it to be, I work relentlessly to get it there.
       I think most of you get that about me. I’m ferocious and more than that, I hate to lose. Oh, I’ll
       lose a small skirmish here and there as I tweak my strategies and weapons systems, but not the
       battle and certainly not the war. Anyone who has ever achieved 125+lbs of weight loss without
       surgery or prescription drugs can certainly understand what I’m talking about. Yes, this will be a
       long fought battle, but when all is said and done I’ll be exactly where I want to be. Stay tuned.  


Here's Tracker:

Journey Day: 149
Today's Calories:  1695
Daily Calorie Goal:  1700
Next Weigh In:   6/30/2014
Days till Weigh-In: 21
Starting Weight: 351
Current Weight: 321
Lost So Far: 30

MG English Muffin w/PB2 & J 260
2 hard boiled eggs 150
Organic Mixed Greens 0
Fresh sliced Pineapples 75
Fresh sliced carrots 30
                                                  Total: 30
PB2 & J on MG Bread 350
McIntosh 60
                                                  Total: 410
Organic Amazonian Coffee w/milk 60
                                                  Total: 60
Dinner  - Cheesecake Factory  
Tuna Casserole 650
3c Steamed seasoned Brocolli 0
3 Pickle Spears 0
Hazelnut Crème Decaf w/skim plus 60
                                                  Total: 1695
                           Daily Calorie Goal: 1700
25 min exercise (minimum) YES